Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Digital Audio Fix completed

If you use the digital audio output on your mac, you may have noticed that the menubar-based volume control (which came with your computer) doesn't work. (Or so I'm told) This is due to the fact that it uses the old sound API's. To affect digital audio, applications must use core audio. Since the alarm clock application used the old sound API's, setting the volume and easy wake didn't work properly. I've now switched over to core audio, which should fix this problem. Another nice side-benefit: the volume scaling in easy wake is vastly improved. You can't even tell when it's increasing, it can be that gentle!

If this bug affected you, and you'd like to help me test the latest build, send me an email.

UPDATE: So I was wrong. This doesn't fix it. The volume scaling is still improved though. :)
I'll continue working on a fix for this.

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